Classroom Management

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Low Key Responses

There are many low level behaviours that occur in the classroom. A teacher will initially give a signal for the behaviour to stop. The signal may be just saying your name, pause in their teaching or a gesture.

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Squaring Off/ Warning

If the low level behaviour continues and it is interrupting teaching and learning, square off, a warning will be given and the disruptive behaviour must stop.

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If the disruptive behaviour is still continuing then a choice statement will be given. The student must respond with their choice. Example: You can choose to stop distracting… or you can move to a place on your own away from the students. Please make a choice.

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Implied Choice/Choice Made

If the disruptive behaviour continues then it is an implied choice. This means that the student has chosen to go to time out, as the behaviour did not stop. The teacher will simply say Choice made… please move to timeout.

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If the student is at time out and the disruptive behaviour begins again, the teacher will state the situation briefly…the problem right now is that I asked you to stop yelling out and disrupting the lesson and you have refused. A choice will be given again that involves stopping the behaviour or leaving the room to work somewhere else. The lesson will not continue with disruptive behaviour.

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  1. The student and teacher will agree upon an informal contract.
  2. A formal contract may be needed if the informal contract is broken. This will involve parents, and executive teachers